Cope with Stress and Anxiety
Stress is something we have to deal with on a daily basis. Studies show that the stress we are under has increased as a whole in our society. We are busier, work more, and are generally more stressed out than ever before. When we feel overwhelmed in work or home life, it can easily spill over, leaving us feeling tense even doing the most menial of tasks.
Try bringing some of these crystals into your daily life to help you cope with it all. You don’t have to go so far as to meditate with them, simply wearing them will help. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, take hold of them and let their gentle soothing vibrations wash over you.
Amethyst | Apatite | Aquamarine | Blue Lace Agate | Fluorite | Lepidolite | Moss Agate | Pyrite | Topaz