July babies are super lucky, you can call the glorious Ruby your birthstone!

Ruby is the fiery and captivating stone of nobility, considered the most magnificent of all gems, the queen of stones and the stone of kings. Natural Ruby is one of four “precious” gemstones (including Diamond, Emerald and Sapphire) known its rarity, monetary value, and hardness. Wear or carry Ruby to overcome exhaustion and lethargy; it stimulates circulation and amplifies energy and vitality to the whole system. However, those who are highly sensitive or irritable may find this stone over-stimulating or uncomfortable to wear.
Ruby is said to be an aphrodisiac, allowing one to experience all forms of love, from wild sensuality to mystical communion. It deepens a couple’s relationship and encourages closeness and commitment. It is also the stone of courtly love and may honour admiration from a distance. Worn during lovemaking, Ruby can help restore and maintain passion, and is excellent for increasing the chances for conception.